Transformer Services

Transformer assembly, Oil Filtration/Filling, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance

Proper installation and maintenance of a transformer is critical for reliable operation, to extend its life and to prevent catastrophic failures. —failures that can result in costly downtime and significant expenses. We provides industry’s best and most cost-effective transformer services to industrial and utility customers who need affordability, reliability and safety to ensure 100% performance of their transformers. Our transformer services typically include but not limited to:

Transformer Installation and Assembly

We provides complete Power, distribution and auxiliary transformer installation services such as:

  1. Construction of transformer concrete foundations
  2. Assembly of Mount header bank
  3. Assembly of Radiators and bracing
  4. Assembly of Bushings/bushing housings
  5. Assembly of Pumps
  6. Assembly of Conservators
  7. Installation of Gas relays and N2 systems.

Transformer oil filtration and filling

New or used transformer oil can be contaminated by particles, water, gases and chemical products and when not attended to can result in expensive transformer overhauls. We provide complete oil filtration, filling and testing services for new or used transformer oil extend the operational life of the transformer. We

  1. Drain Oil from Transformer
  2. Store Oil On-Site in Tanks
  3. Pull Vacuum on Transformer
  4. Vacuum Degasify and Dehydrate New or Used Oil
  5. Provide a comprehensive transformer oil analysis report for your maintenance reviews.

Transformer Testing and Condition Assessment.

Testing a transformer after installation or during annual maintenance will allows detection any unforeseen changes in its condition and take necessary repairs. We offer comprehensive transformer testing and assessment services such as:

  1. Transformer primary tests: insulation power factor, turns ratio, winding excitation, insulation resistance, winding resistance, sweep frequency analysis, leakage reactance, CT saturation and ratio and dissolved gas analysis
  2. Transformer functional checks such as mechanical trips (Bucholz, Pressure relief devices and electronic thermal monitors) and Load tap changer
  3. Testing and configuration of power transformer Protection relays functions (Overcurrent, earth fault, differential protection) and OLTC control relays.
  4. Performance of predictive maintenances: oil levels, oil sampling and analysis, N2 pressure, temperature readings, visual inspections, Infrared thermography, ultrasound and Load tap changer inspection.

Transformer Maintenance

As a transformer ages, its probability of failure increases. With proper maintenance, a transformer can continue to provide reliable service far beyond the average transformer life expectancy. Whether performing annual maintenance or repairs on your transformer, we will support you with services such as:

  1. Gasket replacement, Bushing gasket repairs and change-outs
  2. Bushing and lightning arrester replacement.
  3. Welding repairs.
  4. Pump repair and replacement.
  5. Radiator replacement.
  6. Replacement and repair cooling fans.
  7. OLTC maintenance and retrofits..
  8. Cleaning of transformer windings​.
  9. Corrosion, rust removal and painting work